Vertere – kärlek till den inspelade konsten.

Vi är stolta att kunna presentera Vertere på hela den nordiska marknaden. Vertere drivs av den karismatiske Touraj Moghaddam, en av världens mest välrenommerade konstruktörer av skivspelare, kablar och elektronik. Touraj drivs av sin kärlek till musik och har nyligen lanserat ett antal artister under varumärket Vertere Records, i sitt samarbete med bland annat Miles Showell på Abbey Road studios. Abbey Road använder även skivspelare från Vertere när de utvärderar sina pressningar. Vilket även Nick Mason från Pink Floyd också gör. Hur coolt är inte det? 

Kunskapen som Touraj förvärvat över 40 år har resulterat i ett flertal helt unika och genialiska lösningar som alla kan utmana det bästa som finns på marknaden idag. 

Vi kommer att presentera flertalet av dessa produkter hos utvalda återförsäljare. Kontakta oss eller håll utkik
i våra sociala kanaler så missar du inget.

Vertere, rekommenderade cirkapriser SEK inkl. moms, mars 2024.



RG-1 Reference Groove

Transparent, 435 000 kr

Svart, pärlvit eller champage, 464 000 kr

Levereras med Tempo/Challenger motorstyrning som standard


SG-1 Super Groove

Transparent, 290 000 kr

Svart, pärlvit eller champagne, 319 000 kr

Levereras med Tempo/Challenger motorstyrning som standard


MG-1 Magic Groove

Transparent, 173 000 kr

Svart, pärlvit eller champagne, 188 000 kr

Levereras med Tempo motor drive, Tempo motor link kabel, Super Groove Precision Tonarm, Redline tonarmskabel och Syncromat.


Dynamic Groove DG-1s

DG-1s, med GrooveRunnerS tonarm. 53 700 kr

DG-1s Magneto Pack, med Magneto MM pickup, 59 300 kr

DG-1s Sabre Pack, Red Line tonarmskabel, nålvåg, technomat, Sabre pickup, 78 300 kr

DG-1s Dark Sabre Pack, Challenger PS, Red Line strömkabel, Red Line tonarmskabel, nålvåg, technomat, Dark Sabre pickup, 98 900 kr



Reference Tonearm Gen III, inklusive 1,25 m Reference tonarmskabel, 689 000 kr

Uppgradering till Gen III Reference tonarm, 238 500 kr

SG-2 Pathfinder NY! Inklusive. 1.15m VeRum Solo tonearmskabel, 189 500 kr

Super Groove Precision Tonearm HB, 65 250 kr

Super Groove Precision Tonearm, 39 000 kr



Reference motorstyrning med 1,15 m Reference Motor Link och 2 m HB strömkabel, 495 000 kr

Imperium motorstyrning med Imperium 1,15 Motor Link och 2m Red Line strömkabel, 129 000 kr

Tempo motorstyrning med 1,15 m Motor Link kabel, 49 500 kr

Challenger strömförsörjning till DG 1 och Tempo, 8 200 kr

Challenger Redline som ovan med 2m Red Line kabel, 16 700 kr



CALON – Dual Mono riaa NY! Svart eller silver, inklusiveI 2.0m Pulse HB strömkabel. 219 500 kr

Phono-1 Mk II MM/MC, 22 500 kr



XtraX MC pickup, 82 000 kr

Mystic MC pickup, 37 900 kr

Mystic rebuild, 28 000 kr

Dark Sabre MM pickup, 21 000 kr

Dark Sabre utbytesnål, 7900 kr

Sabre MM pickup, 13 900 kr

Sabre utbytesnål, 5 700 kr

Magneto MM pickup, 4500 kr

Magneto utbytesnål, 2 800 kr


OBS, priserna kan ändras utan förvarning

Vertere, rekommenderade cirkapriser SEK inkl. moms, mars 2024.



HB tonarmskabel, 1,15m, DIN,RCA, XLR: 97 000 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 18 200 kr

veRum Solo Reference tonarmskabel, DIN,RCA, XLR, 1,15m:  43 400 kr 

Tillägg per 0,5m: 6 050 kr

Redline tonarmskabel, DIN, RCA, XLR, 1,15m:  11 800 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 2 400 kr

D-Fi tonarmskabel, DIN, RCA, XLR, 1,15m:  5 600 kr

Tillägg per 0,5 m: 990 kr


Analoga signalkablar

HB  signalkabel, 1,25m, RCA, XLR:  103 000 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 18 200 kr

veRum Solo Reference signalkabel, RCA, XLR, 1,15m:  43 400 kr 

Tillägg per 0,5 m: 6 050 kr

veRum Reference signalkabel, RCA, XLR, 1,15m: 31 500 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 4 400 kr

Redline signalkabel, RCA, XLR, 1m:  11 800 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 2 400 kr

D-Fi signalkabel, RCA, XLR, 1m:  3 600 kr

Tillägg per 0,5 m: 990 kr



HB USB-kabel, 1,25m:  32 500kr 

Tillägg per 0,5m: 6 400 kr

Redline USB-kabel, 1m:  8 250 kr

Redline USB-kabel, 2m: 10 700 kr


75 Ω RCA Digitalkablar

HB Coaxial digitalkabel V2, 1,25m:  32 200 kr 

Tillägg per 0,5m: 5 700 kr

D-Fi Coaxial digitalkabel, 1m:  2 700 kr

Tillägg per 0,5 m: 500 kr


110 Ω AES/EBU Digitalkablar

HB AES/EBU digitalkabel, 1,25m:  32 200 kr 

Tillägg per 0,5m: 5 600 kr



HB Ethernet-kabel (RJ45 ), 1,5m:  29 400 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 3 600 kr



Pulse-HB högtalarkabel, 2m, 4mm banan eller gaffel:  191 000 kr

Pulse-HB högtalarkabel, 2m, Vertere 7mm banan i förstärkaränden:  205 000 kr

Pulse-HB integrerad jumper, 0,25m till ovanstående:  42 200 kr

Pulse-HB  extern jumper, 0,25m: 55 000 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 25 300 kr

Pulse XS Reference Högtalarkabel, 2m 4 mm banan eller gaffel58 900 kr

Pulse XS Reference, högtalarkabel 2m Vertere 7mm banan i förstärkaränden74 000kr

Pulse XS Reference, integrerad jumper 0,25m:  24 000 kr

Pulse XS Reference extern jumper, 0,25m:  39 200 kr

Tillägg 0,5m: 3 200 kr


Pulse XS högtalarkabel, 2m 4mm banan eller gaffel:  33 000 kr

Pulse XS, integrerad jumper 0,25m:  9 200kr

Pulse XS, extern jumper 0,25 m:  13 300 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 3 200 kr


Redline högtalarkabel, 3m, 4 mm banan eller gaffel:  11 800 kr

Redline integrerad jumper: 2 200 kr

Redline extern jumper, 0,25m:  5 200 kr

Tillägg per 0,5 m: 1 270 kr


Pulse HBS Special Reference strömkabel 2m:  85 000 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 12 000kr

Pulse-HB Absolute Reference strömkabel, 2m:  40 500kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 5 300 kr

Redline strömkabel, 2m:  11 800 kr

Tillägg per 0,5m: 1 800 kr




HB Absolute Reference, 6 uttag med 1m Pulse HB strömkabel:  197 000kr

Tillägg per 0,5m HB strömkabel: 5 300 kr

Naim signalkablar

One Pair Signal Cable, 12 500 kr

1.15m;  4-pin/XLR; x1 LHC & x1 RHC – NAP500/300


Double Signal Cable, 12 500 kr

1.15m;  4-pin/XLR; x1 L & R – NAP250

1.15m;  5-pin/5-pin 180 Deg;  x1 L & R

1.15m;  5-pin/5-pin 240 Deg.: 1 L&R + DC x2 1.15m;  4-pin/4-pin : 1 L & R + DC x1

1.15m;  4-pin/4-pin: x1 L & R

1.15m;  4-pin/5-pin 180 Deg. Phono Special: x1 L & R

1.15m;  RCA | 5-pin 180 Deg;  x1 L & R

1.15m;   5-pin 180 Deg | RCA;  x1 L & R


Tillägg per 0,5m: 2 400 kr



OBS, priserna kan ändras utan förvarning

Vertere, rekommenderade cirkapriser SEK inkl. moms, mars 2024.


Rack , hyllor och fötter

RG-1 Iso Shelf, clear acrylic. 6 Iso-balls: 18 000 kr

RG-1 Iso Shelf ink. 3 Iso-feet och 6 Iso-balls: 26 000 kr

Tillägg för svart, pärlvit eller champagne akryl. 7 500 kr



Reference kabellyftare 2 st: 22 000 kr

Reference kabellyftare 8 st: 67 000 kr



Skivspelarlock till RG-1, SG-1 och MG-1: 26 000 kr

Skivspelarlock till MG-1: 13 500 kr

Technomat skivspelarmatta, med 33/45 stroboskop: 2 500  kr

ISO-Paw 3 pack, skivspelarfötter till DG-1: 1 800 kr

ISO-Paw 4 pack, fötter till t ex Phono 1: 2 300 kr

Nålvåg, 0.01 grams noggrannhet: 1 350 kr

Reference TA Protraktor, 1050 kr

Azimut och VTA inställningsverktyg, akryl: 1050 kr

Vattenpass-set: 1 stort, 1 rektangulärt och 1 litet: 900 kr

Pickupskruvar, titan, kräver inga verktyg, 2 st: 4 300 kr

Pickupskruvar som ovan i rostfritt stål: 1 550 kr

Vertere lagerolja, till tallrikslager: 900 kr

Akrylputskit: 900 kr

RG, SG och MG drivrem: 3 650 kr

DG drivrem: 1 350 kr

SilenceR, 3st avvibreringsfötter: 14 200 kr

SilenceR, 4 st avvibreringsfötter: 18 400 kr


OBS, priserna kan ändras utan förvarning

Vertere DG-1S

Vertere DG-1 Dynamic Groove – Hifi News Outstanding Product Award

”It may look unusual and it certainly feels unusual at times when in use, but all that is forgotten when it starts playing. Put simply, the DG-1 redefines what is sonically possible at its price point.”

Vertere DG-1S, Sabre & Phono-1 – the ear.

”The Sabre and the Vertere DG-1S managed to present the event as a live happening, so much so that the hairs stood up on the back of my neck in anticipation. You really were fully aware of the atmosphere and if you closed your eyes to listen not only could you perceive the communication between the members of the trio, but you could feel the audience sharing the musical journey with them. A huge space, but an essentially intimate coming-together of performers and listeners. Magical.”

Batman doesn’t own a turntable but if he did… Vertere DG-1 i avforums

”The Vertere DG-1 doesn’t do ‘normal.’ It doesn’t look normal, it doesn’t have normal engineering and neither is the performance remotely normal. It is in complete honesty, one of the most effortlessly transparent vinyl replay devices that I have ever tested and it has gone some way to recalibrating some of the things I thought that turntables at the price can do.”

Dynamic refinement – Vertere DG-1S – HIFICRITIC

”The more time you spend with the Vertere, the more sense it makes. Once you stop trying to wrongfoot it and accept that, aside from truly gruesome pressings which tend to unsettle the Magneto a little, you become more at home with the incredibly unforced way that the Vertere makes music. What I find so impressive about this is that it has no bearing on the intensity of the music itself.”

Best turtable over £2000 – Verterer DG-1S & Magneto – What Hi-Fi

”This new generation Vertere DG-1 S builds on the excellent original to remain at the forefront of turntables at this level. We haven’t come across a similarly priced alternative that sounds as entertaining and informative as this. Buy with confidence.”

Vertere MG-1 MK II

Vertere Acoustics MG-1 MkII, SG PTA and Mystic – Best of 2022, the ear

”Vertere Acoustics is an extraordinarily gifted conveyor of music – not just the right notes in the right order but the very soul of it. If vinyl replay is important to you and you have the financial means, these components make a very compelling case for themselves. Brilliantly conceived by the fertile mind of Touraj Mogahddam, the sheer musicality of this system would be hard to better at any price. MG stands for Magic Groove and this system more than fulfils that promise.”

Vertere Acoustics MG-1 MkII/Mystic review – What Hi-Fi

”The MG-1 MkII package is an exceptional performer even at its elevated price level. Once properly set up, it is fuss-free to use and is obviously built to a high standard. Most of all it renders sound with a combination of precision, agility and dynamic dexterity that we haven’t heard bettered by any rival near this price. Recommended? Without a doubt.”

Vertere Acoustics MG-1 MkII – a ‘Transcendent Moment’ – avforums

”What the MG-1 has done is redraw the boundaries of what I felt a ‘normal’ (by which I mean something that is nineteen inches wide, using a conventional arm that can be operated by me without feeling like I’ve suddenly Sam Becketted into the role of a bomb disposal expert) turntable can do. It delivers a performance that is a unique phenomenon for me; a sort of pragmatic other worldliness that makes most other things sound a bit broken. It’s a line in the sand by which I will judge everything else and, as AVForums cruelly lacks a ‘Transcendent Moment’ badge, it is unquestionably a Best In Class.”


”This is one of the most confident vinyl front-ends you can buy, and not just ‘at the price’. The MG-1 turntable delivers much of what the better and best Vertere turntables can produce, the SG-1 arm is already a known good ‘un, and the PHONO-1 is one of the most naturally sounding phono stages I’ve heard in a long time.”

Vertere Acoustics MG-1 MKII, SG-1 arm, Mystic and PHONO-1 – AUDIO

”This combination of turntable, tonearm, cartridge and phono stage enriches the analog scene immensely. Both in its parts and as a complete system. I also like that all parts represent the sound philosophy of the ingenious developer: musically smooth with a dynamic groove, while being transparent and clear. If everything is adjusted and adjusted correctly, the music really takes off – it becomes almost weightless.”

Vertere SG-1

Turntables are ‘hands-on’, so it’s always a bonus when a deck excites a pro-active listener. The SG-1 is the antithesis of streaming and a completely fresh approach to vinyl playback, right down to the counterintuitive removal of the spindle. Against all my preconditioning, I fell in love with the SG-1 for both its iconoclasm and its sound, especially the quietness and the cavernous bass. This deck rocks.

Here’s a well thought out, excellently engineered record player equipped with all the adjustments you might require to fully optimise analogue disc replay. It is so neutral that there was no need to realign the review playback system to account for those possible timbre differences between analogue
and digital disc sources. The finish and build is top class, as is the sound quality: a HIFICRITIC Audio Excellence Rating is fully deserved.

Test av SG-1 i tyska LP Magazin


Vertere RG-1

Vertere RG-1 & SG-1 tonarm – hifi+

”I’m going to stick my neck out here. I think there’s a sweet spot in turntable design now. It starts with the Brinkmann and AMG priced designs and ends with turntables like the VPI Classic Direct Drive and the Kronos. Beyond this, you tend not to buy ‘better’, you just buy ‘more’. And the Vertere is right smack in the middle of that sweet spot….

But there’s something so very right about the Vertere RG-1 turntable with the SG-1 arm that it makes me wonder how the hell I’m going to afford this combination. And that leads to a very dark place, because it makes me wonder about the Reference arm, too…”

Vertere Mystic

Mystic tetsas tillsammans med SG-1 – HIFICRITIC

The Mystic cartridge sounded so precise and well balanced as to have little recognisable identity, a quality I value from my own Lyra. Sounding delightful on classical music, it can also rock with the best of them with easy foot-tapping involvement, allied to an impressive time coherence over the whole frequency range. It was tuneful and suitably punchy on rock bass, notably dynamic in the midband, expressive and focused in the treble, yet without unnatural emphasis.

Vertere SG-1/SG-1 PTA HB, – Hi-Fi News

Turntables are ‘hands-on’, so it’s always a bonus when a deck excites a pro-active listener. The SG-1 is the antithesis of streaming and a completely fresh approach to vinyl playback, right down to the counterintuitive removal of the spindle. Against all my preconditioning, I fell in love with the SG-1 for both its iconoclasm and its sound, especially the quietness and the cavernous bass. This deck rocks.

Hi-Fi News

Vertere DG-1s I What Hi-Fi

”This new generation Vertere DG-1 S builds on the excellent original to remain at the forefront of turntables at this level. We haven’t come across a similarly priced alternative that sounds as entertaining and informative as this. Buy with confidence.”

What Hi-Fi

Vertere Acoustics MG-1 turntable, SG-1 arm, and PHONO-1 phono stage, hifi+

”This is one of the most confident vinyl front-ends you can buy, and not just ‘at the price’. The MG-1 turntable delivers much of what the better and best Vertere turntables can produce, the SG-1 arm is already a known good ‘un, and the PHONO-1 is one of the most naturally sounding phono stages I’ve heard in a long time.” 


Exklusiva Produkter från Vertere Acoustics

HBS Strömkabel

MG-1 skivspelare

Reference Tonearm Gen III

RG-1 skivspelare

Mystic MC-pickup

Sabre MM-pickup

DG-1S tonarm

HB balanserad signalkabel